My Online Course on Skillshare

Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Speaker

The Ultimate Angel Investor Strategy

This class exists because raising capital for your startup is hard, but not impossible to do. What makes this course stand out is how it was put together, not just why.

With over 2 years of interviews with top investors on what works and why it works, and with startups who were extremely successful in raising their rounds and the secrets that got them there,  I was able to put together a course right from the words of the mouths that have experienced what has worked and made them successful.

This course doesn’t offer a personal opinion or reiterate what you can easily find online. It gets right to the point on how to put together the right strategy, materials, outreach, and tactics on how to raise the money you need for your startup. And does from interviews from the very best, compacted into straight to the point lessons that get you the answers you need to be just as successful.

In this class, I provide access to the most powerful principles I've learned to help you break the ice on how to find, attract, pitch, and close the right investors you need for your business.

Every single startup is unique, but the principles, tricks, and tactics in this course will position your startup as one that attracts investors instead of chasing them.

Through exclusive video lessons and tactical exercises, we'll cover:

By the end, you’ll have:

  • An award-winning investor pitch deck
  • An investment strategy that closes
  • A list of investors to reach out to
  • Detailed examples and instructions on how to reach them
  • Predesigned decks and investor documents to skip the agency (Keynote, Powerpoint, & Google Slides)
  • Deep knowledge of your business and the questions investors ask so you are prepared for any curveball question thrown your way

Your Assignment

Your assignment is to create and share one of the following:

  • Your 15-20 slide investor deck (or)
  • Your Executive Summary (or)
  • Your completed workbook that outlines each section of your inventory strategy

Additional Resources

  • 2 ebooks – The 7 fatal mistakes scaring away investors & The best pitch deck outline
  • 20+ pitch deck templates that were agency designed for you to use, edit, and even mix and match. They come in Powerpoint, Keynote, or Google Slides.
  • Example award-winning pitch deck for you to reference, copy, and use as a guidance
  • Top investor questions to ace your question and answer period
  • Our database of over 9000+ investors for you to contact
  • A detailed workbook that covers the strategy for each section of your deck and pitch so you are prepared for any question or random commend during your pitch. 

How to get the most out of this course:

Download the class resources before you begin.
It would be great to get to know each other! Introduce yourself in the class discussions and say hi.

Interested in more? Be sure to check out my 1-1 training at